A number of open-source plugins that are developed and supported by 3rd party software developers are nowadays released with OpendTect. The following plugins are released free-of-charge:
a wavelet shaping utility by Péter Zahuczki to for spectral bluing, whitening and colored inversion.
a suite of opensource plugins by Wayne Mogg that extend OpendTect, including:
- AVOAttrib calculates 6 attributes based on different parameterizations of reflection intercept and gradient
- AVOPolarAttrib calculates 6 attributes derived from AVO Polarization in the AVO Intercept-Gradient crossplot
- EFDAttrib spectral (time-frequency) decomposition using empirical fourier decomposition
- ExternalAttrib allows attributes to be developed in a scripting language like Python, includes example Python scripts for:
- Add Noise add gaussian distributed noise to an input
- AVO Intercept and Gradient estimate AVO intercept and gradient from angle stacks
- Dip and Azimuth various scripts to estimate orientation
- LPA Smoothing structure preserving spatial filter by local polynomial approximation
- PyLops Attributes various external attributes that use the PyLops linear operator library
- Spatial Filter - Circular lowpass, highpass, bandpass or band reject circularly symmetric spatial filters
- Spatial Filter - Rectangular lowpass, highpass, bandpass or band reject rectangular spatial filters
- Vector Filter vector filter orientation (inline and crossline dip) data
- Time Delay Estimation measure time shifts between volumes using correlation
- Zero crossing Block blocks a seismic trace between zero crossings
- GeopackageExport exports OpendTect data to a GeoPackage database
- GeotiffExport exports OpendTect 3D horizon and attribute dataor z slices to a GeoTIFF image
- GradientAttrib calculates inline, crossline and time/depth gradients
- Grid 2D-3D horizon creates a 3D horizon/grid from the 2D and 3D horizon interpretation in an OpendTect survey/project
- LocalAttrib supports spectral (time-frequency) decomposition using local attributes
- MLVFilterAttrib applies a structure preserving Mean of Least Variance filter
- Mistie allows creation, editing and application of a file with Z shift, phase rotations and amplitude scaling corrections for 2D and 3D seismic in an OpendTect survey/project
- RSpecAttrib performs spectral (time-frequency) decomposition using a recursive filter
- WMTools provides various tools to enhance OpendTect